Premier concert for the 2019 Season!

Hello all lovers of classical music.

My name is Dominic J. Walsh, and I have been appointed the Artistic Coordinator for Woolwich Opera Works for 2019.

Sunday, April 28th, will be the Premier Concert of the 2019 Season and WOW will bring you three more scheduled concerts later in the year; Jun 30th, Sep 15th & Nov 23rd. Hopefully more will sit themselves nicely into the calendar as the months progress.

This first concert will see professional singers Lucy Hall, Emma Stannard and Jamie Rock joined with RCM student Samuel Stopford accompanied by WOW regular, Janet Haney.

The music will feature operatic arias, art songs, some classics and some new favourites. We will also have a audience sing-along to end the concert.

Woolwich Opera Works is committed to bringing classical music to the local community. We strive to open the world of classical singing to the public and guide them through the power, the mystery and the incredible drama of opera, art song and classical music.

We very much look forward to meeting newcomers and welcoming our regular supporters.

Everyone is welcome so if you know people, and they like music, or they are curious about classical singing, or they want to sit and listen, or if they want to enjoy a cup of tea with some wonderful friendly people, or they want to sing along, or if they want to experience live music, then come along!

See you there!
